In post-war Casablanca, Ronald Kornblow is hired to run a hotel whose previous managers have all wound up being murdered. French soldier Pierre suspects the involvement of ex-Nazis, specifically Count Pfefferman (in reality, the notorious Heinrich Stubel). Pierre is accused of collaborating with the enemy and attempts to clear his name with the help of his girlfriend Annette an...
The California Atoms are in last place with no hope of moving up. But by switching the mule from team mascot to team member, (He can kick 100 yard field goals!) they start winning, and move up in the rankings, Hurrah! The competition isn't so happy.
Reeve(郑伊健饰)是一个僵尸猎人,每次出动前都要喝下药水变得半人半僵尸才能发挥功力。他的前搭档Lila(何超仪饰)因一次行动中丧生,由Gypsy(钟欣桐饰)来接替。她的到来令Reeve的妹妹Helen(蔡卓妍饰)很不满,两女更大打出手。 僵尸王子Kazaf(陈冠希饰)与仆人Prada(黄秋生饰)靠父亲僵尸王寄来的血浆生活,他生性善良,从来不会伤害无辜。Helen邂逅了帅气的Kazaf。一天Kazaf被僵尸伯爵追杀受伤,Helen得知他的身份后,毅然帮他到医院偷血,还把他带回家。原来僵尸圣典《Day for Night》就在Kazaf手上。 Reeve因一次行动后找不到解药,因此变成了僵尸,还差点杀掉了自己的妹妹,迫于无奈之下,Gypsy把心爱的Reeve杀掉,Helen也为着要救回落入僵尸伯爵手中的Kazaf,与Gypsy联手进攻。
Bert regales the audience at the Trocadero Theatre with stories about zip-lining with his family, his daughter practicing softball with an imaginary ball, and upstaging ex-NBA player Ralph Sampson at a childhood basketball camp.
Comedian/musician Reggie Watts brings viewers along on a one-of-a-kind surrealist experimental comedy adventure. The completely improvised show weaves together sketches, short stories, and dream sequences creating a truly unique experience. Filmed live on a soundstage in Los Angeles, Watts waxes poetic about flight, grits, and guns - and takes the audience on a trip fantastic t...
一个名叫仁权的九岁大男孩突然出现在大奎(池大韩 饰)的面前,更口口声声喊自己爸爸,使一向过惯自由自在生活的大奎惊讶不已,但他又不能断言这不是自己的孩子,因为他风流成性。 但这个孩子的出现,一定会让自己的前途蒙上阴霾。为了孩子不再留在自己身边,大奎用尽了各种的方法,但人小鬼大的仁权只想留在这个“爸爸”的身边。 大奎明白自己不是这个小孩的对手,终于仁权向他提出,如果大奎能带他游历韩国各地后就会离开他。大奎当然答应,但没想到旅程刚开始,大奎就疲倦不堪了。大奎不断打听仁权母亲的消息,甚至想抛弃仁权,但两人相处而来的感情使大奎不忍心。 但没想到一个偶然的机会,让大奎全部知道了仁权的秘密……
《齐木楠雄的灾难》是根据麻生周一原作漫画改编的真人电影,由福田雄一执导并编剧。由山崎贤人主演、桥本环奈、新井浩文和吉泽亮等共同出演,于2017年10月21日在日本上映。电影《齐木楠雄的灾难》改编自麻生周一的漫画,导演福田雄一,讲述生来就有超能力的主人公高中生齐木楠雄,每天都面临着各种灾难的日常,是一部校园喜剧 。